Buckingham Palace – a waste of energy

The gates of Buckingham Palace.

The gates of Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham Palace has com to the top of the “dirty dozen” – the list of the most enviromentally damaging buildings in London, writes Andrew Pierce for the Telegraph.co.uk on the 11 March 2009.

Thermal imaging technolegy, that is used to identify and maesure energy waste showed heat pouring through windows, the roof and cracks in the wall. The team of energy surveyors labelled “shocking and appalling” and gave Buckingham Palace a score of 0 out of 10.

On top of that the Prince of Wales, who a short time after the article was published used a speech to make his most apocalyptic warning about the climate change, will probably be embaressed to discover that St Jame’s Palace, his estate in London, is in 12th place on the survey of 170 biuldings. St Jame’s Palace scored a 5 out of 10.

After this news the Queen has set up an energy-saving committee at Buckingham Palace to reduce the consumption of energy. The infrared picture, taken during the big freeze in London last month, captured a huge amount of energy escape into the the night sky. The thermal images shows heat instead of light and the Buckingham Palace is completely lit-up dispite being in darkness. Buckingham Palace last year spent £2.2 million on utility bills. The biggest problem is the windows that is single-glazed and there might not accapteble to replace them with dubble-glazed. Howerver there are improvments that could be made to reduce heat losses and bills.

One positive thing that the thermal images show is that some groups of windows looks cooler than others which shows that the Queen at least turns down the heat in unused rooms.

This article shows on dubble standards of morality. Which I believe is a big problem in the enviromental debate. The leaders who speaks for change to reduce consumption and waste not always lives up to their own words. I hope the Royal Family makes some changes and that they in the future can be a good example of people in head of the climate-debate.

I choosed this story because the climate lies in my interest and it is important to be a part in to try to change peoples lifestyles so that the human can live on earth with the same standards as we have in the future. The article comes from the Telegraph wich is one of the larger newspapers in the UK which makes their reliable source of news.

One Response to “Buckingham Palace – a waste of energy”

  1. Sara Says:

    Very interesting article you have read, and you make good comments and analysis of it. It’s certainly true that a lot of people who speak of issues like climate change don’t live as they preach… Well done, Albin.

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